The need for our services has grown exponentially as individuals, businesses, and organizations feel the urgency to let go of things they are no longer using. My team is growing to meet the needs. Tracie Floyd has 25 years of experience in interior design. Her organizing skills are 5 stars, and her staging and decorating are exceptional. Other members of the team include guys who are respectful, hardworking, and highly disciplined. The ladies on the OWL team love organizing and helping clients live with less clutter! But we absolutely LOVE helping people simplify their lives by organizing their spaces for maximum efficiency. Whether you have a small job, an entire home to relocate, or a business to organize, my team can handle it all.
About Lynn
My organizing experience proved invaluable in my real estate career as I helped sellers prepare their homes to sell and get ready to move. One client, an elderly woman, was overwhelmed with the task of downsizing, and her family wasn’t available to assist. I worked with her, sorting her belongings so she took what she needed and had room for in her smaller retirement home. This relieved much of the stress of her transition and she told others how valuable my services were. I started getting opportunities to help others get ready to move as well as unpack after their move. This service became an essential service to clients. I began getting invitations to speak to groups on de-cluttering, downsizing, organizing, and time management. I kept hearing how the “2-minute rule” had changed people's lives. It was time to write a book! I wrote "2 Minutes or Less" to inspire people to stop procrastinating on their easiest tasks. I am planning to write another book titled, "LIVE More With Less" because every day we see the problems excess accumulation causes in our homes and workplaces.

Lynn Reading
Owner, and Professional organizer

Patrick Hire
Team Member, and Handyman

Jon Gehrke
Team Member, and Handyman

Christianne Egger
Team Member, and Student at Masters University

Brain Reading
Team member, and Music Teacher

Interior Design Specialist, and Organizer

Erin Stowell
Team Member

Laura Gehrke
Team Member

Grier Blaylock
Team member, and Student, Business Major at the University of Arkansas

Danny Reading
Team member, Music Pastor