Even if “getting organized” is NOT one of your New Year’s resolutions, this could still help you enjoy a simpler life….at home and at work!
Make it as easy as possible to purge regularly.
At home:
1. Place “let it go’ containers in key areas throughout your home, like the garage, closets, library, play room, storage areas, etc., to make it easy to “let go” of those things you are no longer using. When kids are old enough, encourage them to regularly place unneeded items in those containers. Be sure to look through them before letting them go or relocating them. You just might find items someone else has been missing.
2. Make a plan to “let go.” We make plans to do a lot of things so why not schedule regular times to purge, declutter, and organize?
At work:
1. Provide a “let it go” container for employees to prompt them to regularly rid their work spaces of unneeded items.
2. Place a container in shared areas in the workplace. Those areas seldom get purged because sometimes employees don’t want the responsibility or feel it is their decision to make. Schedule a regular time to purge, declutter and organize in the workplace and "let go" of the things no one is using.
Don’t hesitate to contact Organizing With Lynn if you need a little help or even a lot. I am a Pro at helping clients make the hard decisions about when to let go of what they no longer need or have space for.
Watch for my next blog....When should we begin downsizing? Answer: We should ALWAYS be downsizing!